Custom Baby Gates for Your Custom Home
•Posted on August 10 2016

With many different options for buying or building a home, you never know exactly what to expect. If you opted to build a custom home, you may be discovering that the uniqueness of your home, while beautiful, can be a challenge when it comes to baby proofing. Custom homes call for custom protection for your family.
The Stair Barrier has a variety of custom baby gate options designed specifically for staircases with banisters. Standard baby gates require walls for proper installation. The Stair Barrier does not. Its unique design allows it to be safely used with banisters and to be installed on an angle.
Let’s say that you built a custom home with a grand entryway. The centerpiece of your entryway is an exceptionally wide, flared staircase with banisters and a standard safety gate simply will not work. This was the predicament The Stair Barrier’s creator found herself in and as is often the case, necessity was the mother of invention. The Stair Barrier solved the problem of keeping her toddlers and dogs off a wide staircase with banisters.
The Stair Barrier’s fabric safety gates are available in regular and wide widths and for staircases wider than 52”, we offer custom baby gate widths. The Stair Barrier is designed and safety tested for the bottom of staircases to provide a safe and stylish solution to protecting everyone in your family, big and small.