Keeping Dogs Off the Stairs
•Posted on May 05 2016

I never thought about having to keep the dogs off the stairs until my beloved Schnauzer, Sergeant, slipped on the stairs and scared us all!
We had just moved into a new house and we were all so happy to have gorgeous hardwood stairs, complete with the most beautiful banister. There we were, standing at the bottom of the stairs and the ever-peppy Sergeant came bounding out of my daughter's door and to the top stairs. He wasn’t used to the slippery wooden floors and slid off the top step and turned, and then rolled lengthwise down several stairs before stopping. We ran up to him and picked him up. The children were upset, and we all feared our little dog had hurt himself. When we put him down he held one paw up for only a few minutes before returning to the happy-go-lucky dog we love so much.
That night, after the children were in bed, I got on the internet and searched for dog gates. Alas, they all seemed to go from wall to wall. Finally, I came across The Stair Barrier! The Stair Barrier gates are meant for both children and dogs and best, of all, they are made for stairs with banisters!
Most dog gates make your home look like a tiny prison with their prison cell bars, but not these. The Stair Barrier gates are attractive and actually make the house look better! I use my Stair Barrier while I unpack boxes, so I don't have to worry about Sergeant rolling down the stairs like a fuzzy slinky. I’d recommend these to anyone looking for a great looking, retractable safety gate.