Quick Tips for Getting Started on Baby Proofing Your Home
•Posted on December 21 2017

Babies and toddlers are a lot more crafty than we give them credit for. They can get into the most unusual places such as behind furniture or on top of counters. The more mobile they are, the more you have to worry about! everyday items like dishwashers, toilets, and stairs can be threats to a curious one-year-old.
Here at The Stair Barrier, we care about keeping little ones safe. That’s why we’ve developed a fabric safety gate to keep young children and pets off the steps. All barriers can be custom made to fit the unique shape and width of your staircase. Plus, installation is a breeze!
But, there’s more to worry about than the stairs. Below we’ve shared some quick tips for getting started baby proofing your home. As your little one grows, you can adjust your safety regimen as you see fit.
Prevent Injury
- All baby gear should meet the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) safety standards. Be especially diligent when accepting hand-me-downs.
- Always use the safety belts and harnesses that come with changing tables, high chairs, baby swings, and bouncy seats.
- Secure furniture such as dressers, bookshelves, and TVs to the wall so they don’t tip over.
- Use cover guards to protect the sharp corners of kitchen tables, end tables, and coffee tables.
- Install gates on your stairs to prevent falls. Never use pressure mounted gates at the top of the landing as baby can knock it over.
- Install childproof safety locks on bathroom and kitchen cabinets, windows, and doors.
- Position baby’s crib away from the windows, wall shelving, or wall hangings.
- Place sharp utensils downward in the dishwasher. Also, put the soap pack in the dishwasher right before running it. Do not leave it in there.
Prevent Choking
- Keep small objects out of reach, particularly latex balloons, coins, rubber bands, buttons, cell batteries, and small toys from older siblings.
- Mash up fruits and vegetables and cut meat into small pieces. Avoid popcorn, whole grapes, and nuts until 3 years old.
- Remove crib mobiles and toys from cribs and playpens, unless supervised in the play yard.
Prevent Suffocation
- Place baby on his or her back for sleep to prevent SIDS. Never let baby sleep on the couch.
- Use sleepers and sleepsacks instead of blankets. Also remove all stuffed animals, pillows, and bumpers from the crib.
- Check baby’s bed for gaps where his or her head can get stuck, such as in between the mattress and frame.
- Do not allow pets to sleep with baby.
Being a parent is a busy job. We hope these tips help make it a bit easier by helping make your home safer for baby.