Toddler Packing Tips for the Holiday Season
•Posted on November 21 2018

In the blink of an eye, the holiday season has stumbled upon us. In weeks, we’ll be right in the middle of the holidays. This means long drives to visit family and friends, staying in other people’s houses, and having to pack for extended visits. If you have a toddler on your hands, then traveling may be the last thing that you want to think about. The good news, however, is that the more that you plan for your trip with a toddler, the smoother it’ll go. In today’s blog post we’re going to provide you with a few of the tricks that we’ve learned while traveling with a toddler.
All the Diapers
If you think that you have enough diapers packed for your trip — you don’t. No matter what kind of math you’ve done to come to the conclusion that you’ve packed enough diapers, you can always use more. The rule of thumb is to pack the maximum amount that your toddler will need per day that you’ll be gone, and then account for emergencies and any travel issues that may happen.
When you’re flying, bringing excessive amounts of diapers isn’t always an option. If you’re not able to pack tons of diapers, you may want to consider stopping by a grocery store when you’ve reached your final destination and picking them up there, that way you don’t have to worry about finding a way to pack them all in advance.
Extra Clothes
The holiday season is a time of cheer and joy, but they’re also the time of flu symptoms and fevers. Traveling with a child, let alone a toddler, that has gotten sick while traveling is something that we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemies, but still, it happens. For that exact reason, we always suggest packing extra clothes for your little one.
Extra clothes are ideal for when temperatures get too cold when vacations last a little longer, and when someone gets the stomach flu. You will rarely, if ever, regret packing extra clothes for your child —- so do it!
Prepare For the Cold
The holidays are known for being some of the colder times of the year, so it would make sense that you pack for that. While a majority of the places that people will visit are known for being colder, there are some states and areas that don’t experience the colder temperatures. Even if the place that you’re visiting is not known for having colder days during the holidays, pack for the cold.
Weather is one of the more unpredictable things in life, and that’s why we feel that it’s important to always be prepared for anything that will come your way. Even if the forecast says that it’s going to be sunny and 75, make sure to check for the average temperature in the area leading up to the time you’ll spend there, and still pack a jacket. Even the lightest sweater could be used when you’re out visiting — it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Bring a Baby Gate
Whether you’re driving to a family members house for the holidays or you’re hosting them yourself, a baby gate is one of the best ways to ensure that you know where your toddler is at all points in time. Other people’s houses can make it difficult to have a constant eye on your child, but a baby gate makes it all the easier.
The good news is that all of the toddler gates that we’ve designed at The Stair Barrier are ideal for stairs and doors alike, and they don’t clash with the holiday decorations. All of our baby gates are aesthetically appealing and extremely effective for toddlers that you’re traveling with. Shop our selection here and prepare for this holiday season.
We briefly touched on how the holiday season is a time for sickness and how that’s the last thing that you want to deal with while traveling, especially with your toddler. Well, one of the best ways that you can go about avoiding that is by preparing for it. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer are one of our essentials when traveling.
It doesn’t matter how great your family is, if they’re sick and capable of passing germs — no thank you. By having disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer on the go, you can keep you and your family free from all of the germs that are so easily passed at these bigger dinners. Do your best to minimize the chances of getting sick while traveling by making sure that you have enough disinfectant supplies for all while you’re visiting your loved ones.
Have a Good Time
We’ve provided you with a few of the tips that we’ve learned over the years, but the best piece of advice that we can give is to have a good time. No matter how much you stress or how much you plan, there’s always the chance that something unplanned will happen. Rather than let it ruin your holidays, enjoy the time that you have with your loved ones and laugh it off.
We hope that you have gained some insight and information from the points that we’ve listed above, but more than anything we hope that the holidays are a time of laughter and joy for you and your loved ones. As always, the team at The Stair Barrier hopes to assist you and your family in anyway that we can. From children to puppies, we do our best to be a helping hand.
From our family to yours, happy holidays!