Two Must-Have Products for Dog Parents from The Better Options Company
•Posted on February 21 2022

What do a portable outdoor gate and a durable dog float have in common? In the case of The Stair Barrier and Lazy Dog Loungers, a parent company committed to delivering quality products made in the U.S.A.
The Stair Barrier was invented in 2008 by Janelle Fitzpatrick. She needed a way to keep her dogs and baby off her curved banisters and extra-wide stairs. When she could not find a solution, she invented her own: a gate that could be installed on an angle without drilling into banisters and look good in her home's entry way. After years of using and testing her prototypes in her home with her own children and dogs, she took the leap of faith in 2015 and launched Better Options LLC and its first brand, The Stair Barrier. Stair Barriers are now available in three configurations (Wall to Banister, Wall to Wall, and Banister to Banister), in three widths (Regular, Wide, and Custom), and a wide range of fabrics including two weather and mildew-resistant indoor/outdoor options.
When Janelle first set out to manufacture her stair gates, she was told repeatedly that she would need to produce overseas, fill containers and commit to large quantities. After almost a year of hard work and persistence, she found a way to manufacture her gates using materials sourced from supply partners from across the US.
As Janelle's expertise in product development and direct to consumer sales grew, so did the number of inventors and entrepreneurs she met needing a better way to bring their products to market. This is how Lazy Dog Loungers came to be part of The Better Options Family of brands.
A semi-submersible, puncture-proof water raft for active dogs, Lazy Dog Loungers was invented by two neighbors on Lake Lanier who were making them in their basement in their spare time. They needed assistance with sourcing, manufacturing, scaling and selling. Immediately “liking” (first criteria in doing business) not only the idea, but the people behind it, a partnership was born.
The Stair Barrier and Lazy Dog Loungers are now hand-constructed in the same factory in North Georgia and widely available for purchase online.