4 Must-haves When You Have a Baby at Home
•Posted on October 31 2017

When welcoming a newborn into your life, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed with all the baby merchandise available! Friends will give you their opinions on what you need and don’t need, and then there are suggestions coming from magazines, gift registries, and store employees. While you’ll have to figure some of it out on your own, there are four must-haves that you can’t be without. Let’s cover what these are.
1. Baby Carrier
Baby wraps are a lifesaver. While you might have imagined yourself carrying your infant in your arms all day long, the reality is that it’s tough to do, especially if you have other children. It’s hard on the arms and back, plus it takes up your hands. Once your baby is strong enough to control his or her head, you appreciate having two hands free.
Baby carriers, slings and wraps come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. Most grow as your child does, so one product will allow you to carry your little one from the newborn stage to toddlerhood. Some parents enjoy using baby carriers at home to get chores done and play with older children, while others rely on them when they’re out and about.
2. Fabric Safety Gate
When you first bring your baby home, crawling can feel like light years away. But, it doesn’t take long for those little arms and legs to get moving. Even before crawling, he or she may start to pull up and climb on things, including the stairs.
Stair accidents are extremely common in infants and toddlers, with injuries happening every six minutes. Rather than waiting until your child is mobile, prepare yourself early on. Choose a safe, secure baby gate such as The Stair Barrier, which is made from fabric and can be customized to your liking.
3. Convertible High Chair
These days, many high chairs cover kids from the time they are infants to the time they are toddlers. For your baby’s first meals, you can recline the seat back. As your child gets older, you can tilt the seat forward. Depending on the chair, you might even be able to convert it into a booster. For safety purposes, it’s important that they are harnessed at all times; this reduces the risk of choking and falling.
4. Digital Video Monitor
Audio monitors were a blessing to parents, but today’s moms and dads have something even better: video monitors! These monitors are useful because you can check on your baby whenever you want - no second guessing. Parents appreciate the peace of mind allowing them to see their newborn breathing or drifting back to sleep. Some monitors can even control the temperature and lighting in a room. Fancy!
It’s always exciting to get ready for a new baby, but the multitude of infant gear available to parents can make it hard to know which products you’ll need daily. . With these four must-haves on your list, you will be well on your way to having a safe, comfortable, and baby-friendly home!