6 Invaluable Tips For New Puppy Owners
•Posted on September 07 2018

Yes! The day is finally here. You finally have a tiny little four-legged friend to love and care for! But wait...what if you don’t know the first thing about puppy care and training a dog? You’ll be fine. There are plenty of resources out there, but to help you hit the ground running, we’d like to share with you some basic, yet highly valuable, tips for new dog owners.
Train For Kennel / Crate
A crate may seem cruel. Confining your canine to a cage probably isn’t what you had in mind when you pictured getting a new puppy. However, when used properly, crates are incredibly beneficial. Not only do they serve as a place to keep your puppy safe when you are away, but they can also become a safe haven for your dog later in life. When things around the house get hectic and your pup needs to relax, they know that their crate is like a home within their home — a place where they can relax and re-energize. When shopping for a crate, be sure to go with one that is size-appropriately and don’t forget to throw in a nice soft pad and plenty of toys.
Establish A Routine
Dogs and humans have a lot in common. Not only do we both love food, sleeping, and being loved, but we also need routines. They are the backbones of our days and allow us to thrive. When we have a schedule to adhere to, we tend to be more comfortable and secure. This consistency can also be good for your new pup. For example, by starting every day off with a quick trip outside and then a breakfast, your pup will quickly realize that the sooner she does her business, the sooner she will have breakfast, preventing any dawdling. This same approach can be applied throughout the day. These predictable patterns will be a source of comfort for both you and your new pet.
Create A Clear Perimeter
To a puppy, the whole world is new. This includes your home. Not only is it new, but it is also probably overwhelming to such a small creature. Before welcoming your new family member into the fam, consider where you will allow him to explore and roam. At first, it can be beneficial to limit his roam to just the kitchen — it’s the part of the home where accident cleanup is easiest. After your new pet seems acquainted with your home, you can then begin to introduce her to the rest of the house. However, with this being said, there may be some areas — like, say, the upstairs — that you want to be forever off limits. If this is the case, invest in a bottom of stairs gate from day one. More on this later.
Show Affection
Although this tip could probably be left off for most new owners — of course, we’re going to give our new puppy love, duh — we’ll mention it because it’s that important. Getting your pup familiar with people and being handled starts from day one. Whether you have small children or just want to prepare them so that they are nice and lovable to guests, vets, and groomers, a puppy that is use to being touched and handled will be a calm and friendly grown dog. If you have children or expect children to be around your new pet, be sure to get the dog used to being touched and feeling comfortable with you touching her while she eats. This will help prevent the bad habit of having food aggression.
Correct Bad Habits
While your little tiny puppy could do no wrong, this may not apply when she is 80 pounds heavier and a year older. If you don’t want your puppy to carry a habit over to adulthood, correct it. Don’t just assume that it will work itself out over time. While you do need to let your puppy adjust to his new home, you can start to establish firm guidelines from day one. For this reason, it can be beneficial to spend some time brainstorming some policies. For example, are you going to be a household that allows your pets to relax on the couch with you? Sleep in your bed? How is food handled? In short, settle on some policies and rules and stick to your guns regardless of how many sad, puppy-eyed looks you get.
Get A Pet Gate For Stairs
As we mentioned earlier, if you want to keep your four-legged friends from accessing your upstairs, you need to block off your stairs using a durable gate. We recommend placing this gate at the bottom of your stairs. This will not only keep them from going to the second floor, but it will also keep them off the stairs, which can be quite dangerous especially for puppies.
Where Can I Find A High-Quality Bottom Of Stairs Gate?
The Stair Barrier of course! We carry a wide variety of durable pet gates that offer unrivaled protection and style. Available in a range of colors and styles, our safety gates are easy to install, require no banister drilling, and are designed to keep your pets safe and off the stairs. Whether you need a banister-to-banister gate or a stair-to-banister gate, we’ve got you covered! Shop The Stair Barrier today and learn about The Stair Barrier Difference here!