Items for New Puppy Owners
•Posted on August 15 2018

Introducing a furry friend to the household is a big decision, but it’s one that very few people ever wind up regretting. Though these little pups can be really cute at first, they are also known for being a handful. If you’re going to be adding a dog to your household, there are a few things that you should have ready for when you bring them home for the first time — especially if they’re a puppy.
Puppy Food
One of the most important things that you should have ready for their arrival is food. Your puppy is going to be hungry, and it’s good to have some puppy food on hand for when that moment comes. With how many different brands of food there are now, you can always start out with smaller bags so that you can figure out what type of food they like the most. Once you figure out what kind of food they enjoy the most, invest in a bigger bag so that you’re always prepared to feed them.
As you go to the store and start browsing the aisles of food, make sure that you purchase a bag of food that is made for puppies. These little guys need some additional nutrients that other bags may not include because they’re targeted toward older dogs. While we’re on the topic, make sure that you pick up a food and water bowl as well!
Dog Bed
Your new dog is going to need somewhere to sleep, so the next item that we’re going to talk about is the bed. Depending on the size of your dog, you may wind up purchasing a smaller bed that works for them now, with the knowledge that you’re going to have to buy a larger one down the road. If you want to stick to purchasing just one bed, then get the size that makes sense for the average weight and height that the dog is expected to grow, and let them grow into it over time.
If you want to train your dog to sleep in a kennel, then this is another thing that you should have prepared for their arrival. Consistency is one of the best things that you can do when it comes to their training. Again, you can find a kennel that fits their current size or invest in a kennel that they will also grow into and will be a little spacey for them at this point.
Pee Pads
Now that we’re on the topic of training, one of the most important things that you can do to prepare for the arrival of your new puppy is purchase pee pads. These little pads are not a long-term solution for most households, but they’re certainly a staple to getting your puppy through those first few months of training. Luckily, you can buy smaller packages of them so that you have them during these first few months where your dog gets accustomed to going to the bathroom outside. Again, consistency is going to to make a big difference here and is something that you should anticipate from the get-go. The sooner that your pup learns to pee on a pee pad and have a designated spot to go to the bathroom, the more likely they are to connect the dogs and go outside.
Collar & Leash
The last couple of things that we’re going to touch on are items that every pet owner should have, even before they bring the dog home. A collar and leash are good to purchase in advance so that when you go to get the dog, you’re entirely ready to lead them out with a leash. This is something that you’ll have to purchase to fit the size that they are currently, and then invest in a larger one later on — at least in terms of the collar. Getting a leash that can help you train your dog is something to consider purchasing at first and then upgrading to one that gives them a little bit more room for adventure once they’re better on it.
As you prepare to purchase these, you may want to consider purchasing their name tag at the same time. Having it ready for when you put the collar on them will really make it official and will have your phone number or address on it in case they wander off.
Stair Barrier
For some, the household is a place for the dog to roam free, and while that may be your goal, in the long run, this probably isn’t what you’re going to allow while they’re still being trained. For that reason, we always suggest having a stair barrier or a gate that you can make the most of while they’re getting trained. This will help you keep tabs on them while you’re in the house and will also keep them in the space that you’d prefer. So, for example, if you want your dog to stay on the main level where it’s entirely hardwood and tile, then putting a stair barrier up to keep them off the carpets upstairs is a great method to make use of.
The Stair Barrier has created a large collection of pet gates for stairs and other rooms in your home to help make the training a whole lot easier. By having this on hand when your puppy gets home, you’re much more likely to have a good experience rather than a frustrating few nights.
Preparing for a puppy can be a challenge, but it’s one that’s well worth it! Finish off your big shopping trip with a few toys and some treats that they’ll love, and you’re set to bring them home! Sure, you’ll have some odd items here and there that really bring it all together, but for now — you’re ready to bring home that pooch.
The Stair Barrier is excited for you and this new addition to your family, and we hope that we can be of some assistance! Place your order today and prepare for the furry friend that you’re going to love for a lifetime.